Helping out those in Need this holiday season!
Once again North Atlanta Rotary served our community in various ways this holiday season.  Here's a couple of examples from service done on Saturday, December 18, 2021.
With the help of family and the CCHS Interact Club, rotarians volunteered to "Ring the Bell" for the Salvation Army in front of the Chamblee WalMart.  We had young and old represented with grandkids, CCHS Interactors, to grandparents!
the youngest:  Jack and Emmy
these two sang the whole time they were out front bell ringing and garnered much praise!
Grateful to have Leslie and Mark in their special Christmas sweaters to support the efforts!
Rotarian Dick Michell checking in with Anika, Harper and Andrew, three of the several CCHS Interactors that came out to support NARotary and the Salvation Army. 
Juliet and rotarian Lance Reising showed up in festive colors!
Rotarian Jim Hobbs with his welcoming smile supporting the Salvation Army!
Rotarians Pat Thomas, Nathan Aberson and Barbara Bush were also present to greet the shoppers!
Apologies to all of the volunteers I didn't get photos of including CCHS Interactors Riasha, Journee, Mehezabin, and NAR Club President Christopher Drew and family, and our project volunteer coordinator President elect Mike Emanuele.  THANK YOU everyone!
Supporting Nicholas House Families
Also on Saturday we delivered $1300.00 worth of gifts to the Nicholas House for five children and their families who are in the NH transitional housing program.  Unfortunately we forgot to take any photos of the haul we delivered -- it included lots of clothing items, coats, boots and some fun things like nail polish, candy, a tablet, basketball hoop, crystal maze game, some developmental games, books, a bicycle and WalMart gift certificates for the Parents.  
We hope the families that received these gifts will have a very Merry Christmas this year!
THANK YOU to the many NAR rotarians who made this all possible with donations to the project, to Kathleen McKinley for organizing the shopping efforts and project coordinator Barbara Bush.